Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Battle Box Bash - My build blog

I started playing Warmachine in version 1. In our local area there were very few players actively playing so gave it up for continuing with Warhammer.

Well we were somewhat disenfranchised with the new warhammer, and as it turns out, we were not alone. We took up Warmachine as an alternative and then soon realised that the game was becoming hugely popular in Australia.

So for the last two or three years I have been slowly building my Cygnar. I have loved my little blue guys (or my case brown) but wanted to build a Hordes army.

Enter the Battle Box Bash (rules here: http://get-behind-me-dice-gods.blogspot.com/2011/11/big-battle-box-bash.html). We are doing kind of a Journeyman League to enable us to all get a second (or in some cases third) army up an running.

So for my Battle Box Bash I will be using Legion. Legion appealed to me as basically noone else was doing it. The models are also fantastic and a couple of the warcasters really piqued my attention.

I will post pics of my progress, game upates and links to various blog posts that I find interesting. Also look for WIP pics of my mini's as they progress. I will also post any I prepare for my other factions.

No pics as yet as my Legion Warpack box came without my Carnivean so I am waiting for that to arrive from Privateer Press.

In the meantime check out the Blog above (Get Behind me Dice Gods). Ado has been gaming for over 20 years so expect some good content from him.

Also there is our club website (http://qlegs.wordpress.com/). You will find us at almost all of the club meetings throughout the year and we are always happy for a game.

--  Shags


  1. If your legion look as good as the Cygnar model you've done this should be very interesting to see pictures of finished models
    Good luck with the blog
