Thursday 16 February 2012

An electric start to the year.

I know I've been a bit quiet since Cancon but I've been working on my Nemo's. Since it was broadcast that the Cygnar Double Epic was going to be Nemo I thought I would start working on my Storm nouns. That's why I chose Cygnar in the first place so why not actually follow it through.

So the first thing I had to paint was Epic Nemo. The model is fantastic and extremely detailed. When I say extremely detailed I mean it. Every time you think your close to finish you find another bit that needs to be done. Then when you think you're finished you remember that you have to paint that beautifully detailed base as well.

I used this model as a canvas for some of the techniques I have been wanting to try. I was keen to give OSL a go but chickened out at the last minute. I might try this on some not so significant models first before I try it on a bigger one like this.

In particular I wanted to have a go at painting marble (on the base). I am fairly happy with how this turned out. I also tried Verdigris on the gold parts of the base to show an old ruin type area. I think I went a big overboard with the last coat but other than that I am fairly happy.

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